EDR vs Antivirus: Ensuring Your Business is Equipped with the Right IT Solutions

it professional working on computer in server room

You know the threats are out there. Every day, new malicious software is created with the sole purpose of infiltrating and disrupting your business operations. As a business owner or IT professional, you are constantly working to keep your company’s data safe and secure.

But with so many options for cybersecurity solutions, how do you know which ones are essential for your business? In this article, we will compare two important tools in the fight against cyber threats: Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and Antivirus software.

EDR vs Antivirus: Pros and Cons of Both

To make an informed decision about the cybersecurity measures best suited for your business, it’s critical to understand the arguments behind EDR vs antivirus and why people might choose one over the other.

Antivirus Software

What it is: Antivirus is software designed to detect and eliminate malware on a reactive basis. It’s the most traditional form of computer security, primarily focusing on prevention by identifying and removing known threats based on a database of virus definitions.


  • User-friendly: Easy to install and manage, even for individuals without technical knowledge.
  • Cost-effective: Generally less expensive than EDR solutions, making it accessible for small businesses.
  • Preventive approach: Effective at blocking known viruses and malware, safeguarding systems from prevalent attacks.


  • Limited scope: Struggles to identify zero-day threats and sophisticated malware that can bypass signature-based detection.
  • Reactive rather than proactive: Focuses on removal after infection, potentially allowing damage before the threat is neutralized.

EDR Solutions

What it is: Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is a security solution that actively monitors endpoints (like computers and mobile devices) to detect, investigate, and respond to cyber threats in real-time.


  • Comprehensive detection: Utilizes behavioral analysis to identify threats, including sophisticated malware and zero-day attacks that antivirus software might miss.
  • Proactive mitigation: Provides tools for immediate response to threats, minimizing potential damage.
  • Visibility and control: Offers detailed insights into endpoint activity, allowing for better threat hunting and management.


  • Complexity: Requires a certain level of expertise to manage effectively, which might be challenging for businesses without dedicated IT personnel.
  • Cost: Generally, more expensive than traditional antivirus solutions.

How Can You Decide Which Tool Is Right for You?

So, who wins in the fight of EDR vs antivirus? Choosing between the two depends on multiple factors, including your budget, in-house IT capabilities, and the level of threat protection you deem necessary. This is where the expertise of professional IT services becomes invaluable.

Like a business consultant, an IT provider can take a look at your cybersecurity and determine the best combination of tools to ensure your business is protected from threats. With a tailored approach, you can feel confident knowing that your company is equipped with the right IT solutions.

Not only will professional IT services assist in choosing and implementing the proper cybersecurity measures, but they also offer ongoing support and monitoring to keep your systems up-to-date and secure so you don’t have to worry about it.

Galaxy IT Can Help You Choose the Right Cybersecurity Solutions

The question of EDR vs antivirus can be left to our team at Galaxy IT and you can focus on what matters most to your business. Our cybersecurity solutions provide proactive threat protection and comprehensive support, giving you peace of mind that your data is always safe.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can protect your business from cyber threats.