Category Archives: Cybersecurity

EDR vs Antivirus: Ensuring Your Business is Equipped with the Right IT Solutions

it professional working on computer in server room

You know the threats are out there. Every day, new malicious software is created with the sole purpose of infiltrating and disrupting your business operations. As a business owner or IT professional, you are constantly working to keep your company’s data safe and secure. But with so many options for cybersecurity solutions, how do you […]

Things to Look for When Hiring a Network Security Professional for Your Utah Business

IT professionals evaluating network security on computer at office

With new data breaches hitting the news every day, finding the right network security professional can be the difference between peace of mind and a potential disaster. But with a range of providers on the market, how can Utah business owners and IT managers ensure they’re making the right choice? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll […]

6 Signs of a Phishing Email Your Employees Need to Know

two coworkers in office at computer reviewing signs of a phishing email

The attacker behind phishing emails casts a wide digital net, waiting to see who bites. The term ‘phishing’ is derived from the analogy of ‘fishing,’ where bait such as an email is thrown with the intention of hooking a user to steal personal information. Knowing the signs of a phishing email is crucial for businesses […]

Why Setting Email Security Protocols Within Your Company is Essential

man working from home on laptop at desk

How many times have you jumped into your email today? If you’re anything like the average email user, you’ll check your email around 15 times a day. And with almost half of all email being spam, even the savviest spam checkers can get tricked sometimes. With email being such a prominent form of communication in […]

What is a Common Indicator of a Phishing Attempt and What Can You Do to Prevent an Attack?

man working on computer avoiding phishing attempts while looking through emails

For modern businesses, where technology intertwines seamlessly with every decision, phishing attempts have become an ever-present threat. Despite the constant barrage of warnings and advice, these attacks continue to snare unsuspecting victims. Even the most cautious individuals sometimes fall for the cunning tactics of cybercriminals. To help you prevent these attacks, we’ll take a deeper […]

Best Practices for Businesses to Avoid Email Security Threats

woman typing on computer avoiding email security threats

It’s no secret that email is consistently one of the most vulnerable channels in the world of cybersecurity. Almost half of the millions of emails sent daily are considered spam, so using email is risky. But it’s become an irreplaceable part of our business communication. So, if you can’t live with email and you can’t […]

Common Types of Cyber Attacks and How to Protect Against Them

close up of motherboard with lock on it, symbolizing protection from cyber attacks

Technology has simplified our lives in many ways. From shopping to banking, the majority of our daily activities now take place online. But with this convenience comes an increased risk for cyber attacks against businesses, and a need for IT security services. Cyber attacks can range from ransomware (malicious software that holds data hostage until […]

7 Email Security Practices Every Business Should Follow

woman on laptop practicing email security as she composes email

Email is one of the most essential tools businesses use to communicate with customers and partners. In this article, we’ll discuss seven email security practices that businesses should follow to protect themselves from cyber-attacks and ensure that email security services are implemented. Follow these tips, and you can rest assured your email communications will be […]

How to Train Your Employees to Become Your Best Cybersecurity Defense

man using laptop with VPN in Utah home

Most business owners know cybersecurity is essential, but they may not know how to train their employees in cybersecurity. It can be a daunting task without cybersecurity services, but it’s necessary to protect your business. This is especially true since small businesses are a prime target for cybercriminals, as they typically lack professional security measures. […]