Category Archives: Cybersecurity

7 Email Security Practices Every Business Should Follow

woman on laptop practicing email security as she composes email

Email is one of the most essential tools businesses use to communicate with customers and partners. In this article, we’ll discuss seven email security practices that businesses should follow to protect themselves from cyber-attacks and ensure that email security services are implemented. Follow these tips, and you can rest assured your email communications will be […]

How to Train Your Employees to Become Your Best Cybersecurity Defense

man using laptop with VPN in Utah home

Most business owners know cybersecurity is essential, but they may not know how to train their employees in cybersecurity. It can be a daunting task without cybersecurity services, but it’s necessary to protect your business. This is especially true since small businesses are a prime target for cybercriminals, as they typically lack professional security measures. […]

5 Steps to Mitigating the Risks of Ransomware for Utah Businesses

lock on laptop keyboard - ransomware risks and cyber threats

A ransomware attack can be a devastating event for a business. Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts the data on your computer, making it unusable. The cyber attacker then sets a price and demands a ransom payment in order to decrypt the data. Cybersecurity services and safety practices can help prevent successful attacks […]